miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Laughing is good for your health

I have never met a person that hasn’t laugh at least, the thing that even if something isn’t funny, just seeing another person laughing makes you want to laugh also, but haven’t you wonder, why is this?, Why are laughter so contagious as a virus? English scientist have found new evidence about the contagious power of a laugh: our brain is particularly social, because every time it perceives a laugh it responds the same way, seems true that “if you smile, the world will smile back to you” said Sophie Scott from the University of London and author of a study published in the magazine Journal of Neuroscience.

The new study replaced the visual study for an auditory one. Researchers selected vocalizations that respond to positive emotions (fun, success) and negative (dislike, fear) and through studies of magnetic resonance, the monitored the brain reaction to certain voluntary groups. Mirror neurons got activated as a response of all sounds, preparing facial muscles to take action. But the response was more intense in the case of laughter and winning voices. The fact that positive emotions active mirror neurons in major quantities helps us understand how positive emotions promote social interaction.

But this is not a new therapy in the 70’s Patch Adams, developed a new therapy to treat patients in a Hospital of Virginia, this is the beginning of laugh therapy, with this therapy was proved that laughing helps the organism physically and mentally. Norman Cousin experimented with the laugh therapy and overcome the pains caused by rheumatoid arthritis. He proved that if before he went to bed he watched a movie that made him laugh, he would sleep the whole night without pains. Laughing was his pain reliever.

From this moment before and after was marked in the application of laughing as therapy. Laughing as a therapy is a group discipline that exposes people physically and emotional to laugh. It a method that helps people to live their lives better, changing their perspective of life from negative to positive. Emotional state and perception get transform by developing happiness, optimism and humor.

Laugh thing by itself, is not a cure, but is a complement to traditional medicine. Between the reasons we could mention:

*When we laugh we exercise by moving around 400 muscles, including some stomach muscles that are only exercised when laughing.

*It helps us relax: bones of the vertebral column, where we tend to accumulate tensions stretch.

*It cleans our eyes, laughter clears nose and ear and active our lacrimal glands.

*We oxygenate our lungs and skin while we laugh.

*It helps us stay happy, stimulates the nervous system and makes the immune system stronger.

*It stimulates the cardiovascular system: lowers arterial tension, decreases the
cardiac rhythm.

*Helps against constipation by giving a massage to the digestive tube, increasing intestinal traffic.

There are a million reasons to laught so stop what you are doing and laugh out loud.

Olives, Low In Calories And Great for your Health.

Olives, very popular around the world, olive oil is extracted from them and is considered a basic aliment in the Mediterranean diet, it should never be out of our diet.

Table olives have a high nutritional value. Its fat is very healthy, because it has unsaturated fatty acids in higher quantities than saturated ones, and specially monounsaturated oleic acid.

It is a good source of diet fiber, easily digested and with a high mineral content, mainly sodium and in minor proportions potassium, magnesium, iron phosphorus and iodine.

Lose Belly Fat, Start Seeing Results In Less Than A Week!!!

Fibers are great to maintain a good figure, health and nutrition. It’s a basic function is to eliminate waste; they possess a low calorie contents and produce a fullness sensation due to the high water absorption that fibers have.

If you are interested in eating fibers you should know that there are two types, and you can find them in food like oat and legumes (soluble fibers) or in cereals, whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables (insoluble fibers).

Fiber Diet:

Breakfast: Coffee with skimmed milk, a toast of whole grain bread with a spoon of cream cheese.

Lunch: A homemade soup of grated vegetables, grilled chicken breast and a yogurt.

Afternoon Snack: whole grain cereal bar and a cappuccino.

Dinner: Grapefruit juice, a salad of orange and kiwi with a spoon of cream cheese, instead you can eat a ¼ grilled chicken.

martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger has been used to treat intestinal affections, because it stimulates the pancreas, increasing the production of enzymes that benefit digestion and avoid the apparition of series of secondary effects that are related to the bad absorption of enzymes.

It possesses an anti-bacterial power that is useful against a variety of intestinal problems, which are produced by alterations of the gut flora. It has been proved that ginger is one of the best remedies for nausea. For example, consuming it 2 or 3 hours before starting a trip, it will prevent us from feeling sick. At the same time

It can be useful against vomiting produced by chemotherapy, being useful for patients that have cancer. If this is the case you should always consult your doctor, and never eat it with and empty stomach.
In can be useful in pregnancy, specifically when vomiting and nausea appear during the first months. Ginger can be useful preventing the apparition of ulcers, like gastritis or peptic being capable of eliminating the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Other Benefits

It is capable of reduce and neutralize the excess of gastric acid that is one of the causes of getting ulcers. It is also capable of eliminating harmful microorganisms like Escherichia Coli, responsible of the majority of diarrheas.
Ginger roots.

It’s utilized, as a condiment, and for its therapeutic properties. It its composition stands out an essential oil and its bitter principals that have stimulant, aromatic and stomachic properties.

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

How to increase iron?

Foods that help cure Iron deficiency anemia or sideropenic anemia.

If first place you must know the principal cause of the iron deficiency that you have. Experts insist in the diet and daily alimentation as a form to increase, in a progressive way iron levels in the blood.

Opting for other foods, like meat, legumes, or mollusk can be useful, also black chocolate can help. You should avoid foods that stop the absorption of vitamin C (which helps the absorption of iron), like food rich in oxalates (vegetables of green leafs), fiber supplements (coffee, tea or red wine), rich in tannins.

Cure hirsutism with mint tea.

Women with excessive corporal hair (hirsutism), that drank two cups daily of green mint tea lasted 5 days constantly decreasing free testosterone level, informed a team directed by Dr. Mehmet Numan Tamer from the University of Suleyman Demirel, in Sparta. Convencional treatments against hirsutism point to high levels of the masculine hormone and include taking oral contraceptive pills, to prevent the production of this hormone, or other medicaments to block the way organism reacts to them.

Green mint can be an alternative option to the anti-androgen treatment for moderate hirsutism.

Chocolate: The sweetest therapy for heart.

Some foods, not just benefit us inside, they also help us the outside. This is the case of chocolate.

The Choco –therapy, an esthetic treatment that utilizes cacao with esthetic and therapeutic purposes.

The skin absorbs chocolate with the use of baths, massages, and cacao oil. One of its benefits is that it has an antioxidant effect that helps against the premature ageing of the skin.

Also it provides energy, the consumption of chocolate increases the plasmatic level of antioxidants; this protects us against cardiovascular diseases. The massage, with a deep skin exfoliation of the skin, removes dead cells.

After this, hot wet towels are used to relax muscles and power the effect of the face pack and the corporal hydration; with the last one the treatment is finished.

So from now on be sure do drink chocolate at least once a week to have a better heart and skin.