miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Outdoor sports Great for summer

To maintain active in this hot season I’m presenting you several exercises that you can perform this summer.

Walking: It is recommended for people that did not have and physically active year, it’s a low impact activity so it can be performed be people of all ages. It must be done with a moderated intensity and with a constant walk for at least 30 minutes. It improves aerobic capacity, tones the legs, and helps to relieve contractions and eliminates tensions. Use confortable sneakers to perform this activity.

Swimming: ideal for people with problems in the articulations and bones, that cannot perform high impact activities. It has no limit age and utilizes all of the muscular groups, because of this; it is one of the most complete sports. It is ideal to maintain a good physic condition.

Running: Uses all the muscular groups and is a high impact activity, you must first check the condition of the ankles, knees and hip (this step is crucial if you are overweight). In the first three minutes you lose water and then after half an hour you start to burn fat.

Tennis: fun and helps fat burning, needs a good physical condition because it is an anaerobic activity. Results are better if done in a regular basis.

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